Valentine's Day Bouquet Pre-Order
Our Valentine's bouquet this year is a fiery blend of vibrant red Roses, soft pink Lisianthus and accented with spicy Stock! The delicate Limonium adds that final chef's kiss of 'elegante!' The grounding red Ruscus and frothy Asparagus Fern create a perfect backdrop, while Phoenix and Barista Roses add a peachy twist, making this arrangement the ultimate expression of love for Valentine's Day!
Preorder now to guarantee a stunning bouquet, ready for pickup just in time to make their heart sing. Because nothing sweeps a lover off their feet like fresh flowers. 🌹✨
💋 Need a vase? We've got you covered!
💋 Wrap your bouquet in our signature, soft silk ribbon.
Fresh cut, seasonal flowers that are grown without any chemicals or pesticides.
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
Cut stems diagonally approximately a half an inch from bottom under running water with sharp scissors. After cutting, place the stems in the prepared water. Keep flowers away from direct sunlight, drafts or excessive heat. Change water every 24 hours to keep flowers fresh.